We answer the most frequently asked questions about European funding. If you have any unanswered questions, you can always write to us here.
The term “European funds” refers to various financial instruments and programmes established by the European Union (EU) to promote the economic development, cohesion and competitiveness of its Member States. These funds are a crucial part of the EU budget and play an important role in supporting various EU policies and objectives.
European funds can be classified into different types depending on their management and their specific areas of interest. Regarding management, European funds are classified into indirect/shared management funds/programmes, such as structural and investment funds, or direct management funds/programmes.
The main directly managed programmes include Horizon Europe which supports research and innovation in various fields, focusing on scientific excellence, societal challenges and industrial competitiveness; Erasmus+ which supports education, training, youth and sport; and Creative Europe which supports the cultural and creative sectors, including film, television, music, literature and performing arts.
Eligibility criteria and requirements for applying for European funding may vary depending on the specific programme or call, as well as on the objectives and priorities of the European Union at any given time. That said, in general terms, virtually any type of organisation or entity can have access to the funding offered by the different European programmes.
A European project is a collaborative action involving participants from several European countries and funded by a European Union (EU) programme. These projects aim to address specific objectives, challenges and priorities defined by the EU and can cover a wide range of fields and sectors.
European projects play a crucial role in advancing European integration, promoting cooperation and responding to common challenges. They contribute to the achievement of EU policies and objectives and foster a sense of unity and solidarity between European countries.
European projects can vary in nature and subject matter. Some illustrative examples could be:
Working with a European project management consultancy can offer several important advantages to organisations, institutions and entities wishing to participate in European projects or to obtain European funding. Consultancies such as OnProjects specialise in guiding our clients through the complex process of accessing, managing and successfully completing European projects. You can consult the main benefits of working with us here.
C. Hoya de la Mora, 11 18008 Granada