Migrants Labour Insertion in Multicultural Agricultural Teams

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European countries – and especially France, Spain, Italy, Italy, Austria and Greece – have experienced a significant increase in migrants in recent years, due to factors such as conflict, poverty and climate change. In turn, agriculture plays a crucial role in these economies, but faces challenges such as rural depopulation and a lack of skilled labour for agricultural work. The social and labour integration of migrants emerges as an opportunity to establish populations in rural areas and generate employment within multicultural agricultural teams. However, many migrants face extreme vulnerability and exploitation in rural and agricultural areas, with labour rights violations, lack of social protection and exposure to violence being the main problems affecting them, especially women.

The MILIMAT project was created to provide training in communication and multicultural team management to small and medium-sized farms, as well as to provide immigrant workers with information on their rights, promoting greater social integration.

Our role in the project

Proposal writing

PM & development

Communication and dissemination

Web page

Graphic design

Quality assurance & evaluation

Administrative & financial management


Project objectives


Promote the recruitment and inclusion of migrant workers in rural areas, improving the training of employers and workers and promoting fair labour relations.


Raise awareness of European labour rights among rural migrant workers, stimulating their commitment and social participation.


Promote an ethical business culture for agro-entrepreneurs, managing multicultural teams with respect for values, culture, work and labour rights.


Facilitate communication and mutual support between agro-entrepreneurs and workers, combating labour exploitation and race/gender discrimination.

Main results


Report on the possibilities for integration of migrant workers in rural communities through agriculture as a resource for economic and social development.

Good practice manual

Good practice manual for integrating migrant workers into rural communities through socially sustainable agriculture.

Training modules and videos

Training modules and introductory videos on building, engaging and managing multicultural teams in the agricultural sector, as well as on migration, labour and values.

Training and collaboration platform

Training and collaboration platform based on the “MILIMAT Code of Good Conduct”.

Expected impact

By promoting social inclusion, equal opportunities, sustainable practices and fostering partnerships, the project aims to have a positive impact on society at different geographical levels:

  • Local level: raising awareness of the importance of sustainably employing migrant workers in agriculture and promoting European cultural values linked to the EU.
  • National level: recognising and addressing the problem by authorities and social institutions, as well as integrating migrants into rural communities through agriculture.
  • European level: raising awareness on labour and social inclusion, economic development and poverty reduction of migrants on farms.